Creating a SiteDrive Post Type Integration

While you can manually add post types in the SiteDrive settings under Integrations > Post > Configure, adding a custom post type integration can help to further tailor the experience.

The following is a sample from our Breakdance Builder integration, which adds all the custom Breakdance post types. It also adds it's logo to posts that use Breakdance but do not have a featured image set.


namespace SiteDrive\BreakdanceIntegration;

const POST_TYPES = [

// Breakdance Provider
sitedrive_provider_register('breakdance', [
  'name' => __('Breakdance', SITEDRIVE_LOCALIZE),

  'icon' => SITEDRIVE_URL . 'assets/img/breakdance-logo.png',

// Add special Breakdance post types
add_filter('sitedrive_post_provider_post_types', function($types) {
  $settings = sitedrive_settings();

  // Not enabled
  if (empty($settings['provider_breakdance'])) {
    return $types;

  // Add special post types
  foreach (POST_TYPES as $postType) {
    $types[] = $postType;

  return $types;

// Image overwrite
add_filter('sitedrive_post_default_image', function($defaultLogo, $post) {
  // Not enabled
  if (!sitedrive_provider_enabled('breakdance')) {
    return $defaultLogo;

  $specialImage = SITEDRIVE_URL . 'assets/img/breakdance-default.png';

  // Special CS post types
  if (in_array($post->post_type, POST_TYPES)) {
    return $specialImage;

  $metaData = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_breakdance_data', true);

  if (!empty($metaData)) {
    return $specialImage;

  return $defaultLogo;
}, 10, 2);

Custom Import or Export

You can also overwrite the export and import functions used by SiteDrive if your post type needs a different type of export and import strategy. You can utilize the sitedrive_post_export_data and sitedrive_post_import_data filters to overwrite this. If anything is returned from these filters, SiteDrive considers there to be a custom import or export strategy.

The following is a sample from the Cornerstone Builder integration which integrates with the Cornerstone Template API.


namespace Sitedrive\CSIntegration;

use SiteDrive\Data\Files;

const POST_TYPES = [

 * Custom export overwrite for Post provider
add_filter('sitedrive_post_export_data', function($results, $post) {
  add_filter('cs_permissions_user', function($permissions) {
    $permissions['template'] = true;

    return $permissions;

  $csData = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_cornerstone_data', true);

  $layoutTypes = cornerstone('Resolver')->getDocumentLayoutTypes();

  $specialPostTypes = ['cs_global_block', 'cs_template'];

  $isLayoutType = false;

  foreach ($layoutTypes as $type) {
    if ($type['postType'] !== $post->post_type) {

    $isLayoutType = true;

  if (empty($csData) && !$isLayoutType && !in_array($post->post_type, $specialPostTypes)) {
    return $results;

  $exportType = $post->post_type === 'cs_template'
    ? 'template'
    : 'document';

  $tco = cs_export_documents_as_base64($post->ID, $exportType, 'replace');

  return [
    'content' => 'data:application/zip;base64,' . $tco,
    'filename' => sitedrive_sanitize_post_title($post->post_title) . '.tco',
    'last_updated' => get_the_modified_date('U', $post->ID),
    'is_tco' => true,
}, 10, 2);

add_filter('sitedrive_post_import_data', function($results, $drive, $file, $contents) {
  // Not TCO
  if (!is_array($contents) && empty($contents['is_tco'])) {
    return $results;

  $metaId = sitedrive_generate_meta_id($drive, $file);

  $justBase64 = preg_replace('/.*base64,/', '', $contents['content']);

  // Place tco into a temp file for usage by CS
  $dir = get_temp_dir();
  $filename = $dir  . 'sitedrive-' . $contents['filename'];


  sitedrive_file_put_contents($filename, base64_decode($justBase64), 'Could not place .tco file into the temporary directory. You probably need to change the file permissions for the WordPress temporary directory');

  // Import TCO file
  $postID = cs_import_tco($filename);

  // Sitedrive meta
  update_post_meta($postID, Files::META_UPDATED_KEY, $file['last_updated']);
  update_post_meta($postID, Files::META_KEY, $metaId);

  return $postID;
}, 10, 4);

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