How to Create a Local Drive

A Local Drive is a collection of files sourced from your site. Through the drive visibility settings, you can turn any Local Drive into a Remote Drive which can be accessed by others. All drives begin as Local Drives.

Step 1. Click the drives selector dropdown to navigate to the Add Drive button.

Step 2. Select Local Drive and enter the necessary information.

Step 3. You will then fill out information about the drive.

Name — The name of the drive.

Thumbnail — A custom image that will be seen when other sites are connecting to your drive.

Password — If none is entered, any site can access your drive provided they have your domain and drive name or SiteDrive Key.

Visibility — When visibility is off sites cannot connect to the drive even if they have all the necessary information. This can be useful if you are initially setting up a drive and don't want sites to connect or if want to turn off access to a drive after it is already created. When a visibility is on, sites can connect to the drive provided they have the necessary information.

Step 4. (Optional) SiteDrive's domain feature offers a way to create an allow list of valid domains that can connect to this drive. Think of this as your own personal licensing system. Click the + button to add a domain to your list. There are two fields in each item. Domain will be the domain to check. Password will be the individual password for this domain. You can also leave this blank and it will use either your password set in the above control or use no password if none was set.

Step 5. Click Create Drive and you will be ready to add files! To add a folder, click the + Add Folder button on the left sidebar of SiteDrive. This will display the folder creator input. Enter a name of a folder and click the green + icon to add your folder. Click the x button to cancel the folder creating request. You can also rename a folder.

Step 6. All files must be in a folder, and when creating a drive, we auto create a folder called My Folder. To add a file, create or select the folder you wish use then click to add files or drag from the desktop.

If you click to add, the finder below will open. This modal will display a list of data types you can select in the select box at the top. Clicking an item and then pressing the "Add" button in the top right will add the selected files to your folder.

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