SiteDrive Settings

There are four screens in your SiteDrive settings. Let's explain what each one means.


This is where you will see all of your drives in one place. This includes your own Local Drives as well as any connected Remote Drives. A cog icon is present for each Local Drive that will allow you to manage the various settings. A cog icon is present for each Remote Drive that will allow you to manage your login information.


This is where you manage the file types you wish to support in SiteDrive. For many of the leading themes, builders, and plugins we have already created a native integration. You will see these listed here if a file is present in a drive. For example, if you are using the Cornerstone Builder, you will only see Cornerstone in this section if a Cornerstone file exists in a drive.

In addition, there are four main categories: Media, Post, Theme, and Plugin. This allows you to granularly control the types of files you wish to support. If you are looking to add support for a post type, visit Post > Configure.


This is where you can manage the different file types you wish to support. Unfiltered Uploads is a required setting that will allow any file type to be uploaded to the Media Library. You can granularly manage the files you wish to support with All Files Support allowing support for any file type or File Types allowing support for only the file type(s) specified. Finally, you can add support for Custom File Types as well. You have full control as to how you wish to use SiteDrive and what you want to support. It is your responsibility to ensure the files you send are safe and that you have the rights to distribute.


This is where you manage your license key. A valid license is required for each site using SiteDrive.

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