SiteDrive Terminologies Explained
What is a SiteDrive Listing?
Once a file has been imported into SiteDrive, a listing is created that acts as a bridge between the source file in WordPress and SiteDrive itself. You can click into a listing to manage the settings of the file including things like the preview picture, privacy, and more.
If an item is deleted from a drive, but another site already imported the item, it won't delete it from the site that imported it. It will delete the listing on the site hosting the item. You also never have to worry about deleting a source file in WordPress. If you delete a file from SiteDrive, it is only removing it from SiteDrive, not WordPress.
What is a Local Drive?
A Local Drive is any drive that you have set up. You can set up as many Local Drives as you wish and make them public or private. How to Create a Local Drive.
What is a Remote Drive?
A Remote Drive is drive that is accessible by a 3rd party. You can set up or access as many Remote Drives as you wish. How to Create a Remote Drive.
What is a SiteDrive Key?
This is a shorthand way of allowing your visitors, clients, or customers to access a drive with all the necessary validation information included. If you have received a SiteDrive Key for access, simply add it when connecting to a Remote Drive.
What is a Folder?
Folders allow you to organize your assets. Only the owner of a drive can set up and manage folders. You can double click a folder to edit the name or delete it entirely. If a folder is deleted that includes items, it won't delete the items from WordPress, it will simply remove them from SiteDrive. All items in the drive must be in a folder, and we create a default My Folder when the drive is first created. You can use this folder, rename it, or add as many additional folders as you wish.
What do the 3 icons mean below each SiteDrive Listing?
The icons are different based on who is viewing the drive. If you have set up the drive it is a Local Drive that is managed by you. If you are accessing the drive, it is an Remote Drive managed by a 3rd party.
For Local Drives:
- Cog = File Meta.
- Trash = Remove from Drive.
- Download = Download file.
For Remote Drives:
- Cog = File Meta.
- Recycle Icon = Import / Sync.
- Download = Download File.